

Demo Day 8:30 - 4:40

  • On Base On Future!

  • Base Fireside Chat - Jesse Pollak

    Conversation with Jesse and …

    Women On Base

    Michelle Clark, Maricel Squire, Shelby Lowerly, Cindy Manit, WNMBA

    Women on Base Empowers Women in Crypto, Disrupting Web3 Societal Stigmas

    WOB to host a prime roundtable discussion at Onchain Summit in San Francisco in August (Saturday, August 17, 2024). 

    Meme Economy Round Table

    Live Podcast on Site

    Gooooood morning San Francisco

    State of Base with Jesse Pollack

  • Growing List of Builders on Base

    Demonstrating their builds.

    Streaming Cube 

    Quigley.eth, Late Night on Base and others streaming live from the Summit

  • The Heyyman Base Studio

    • Custom Base Shoe Class Build 1/1 custom Base Sneakers with T

    • Custom Base Duffel Bag Class . Build 1/1 custom Base Leather Duffle

    • Winners chosen by our Base Partners

    Base Wearables Collection Store

    Base Meme Collection Store

  • Crypto Casino Night (7pm - 12am)

    Hosted by Franco Finn (Voice of the Warriors)

    Gaming Starts at 7:00. Craps, Roulette, Blackjack, Poker

    Live Music and Guest DJ

    100% of proceeds go to the Warriors Community Foundation

CRYPTO casino night 7:00 - 12:00


  • Morning Sendoff

    Breakfast, Mimosas and Bloodies…

    THE HOWARD - Main Room